We all love designer bags, but ones that truly wow us are sometimes hard to find. The Lady Web handbag by Gucci belongs in this rare category for its amazingly beautiful look. Inspired by 70’s glam style, the bag is Gucci’s latest reinterpretation of their consistently luxurious taste.
What makes this Lady Web bag such a superstar? Pretty much everything… from the luxuriously polished antique gold hardware to the impeccable materials (including brown hand-stained leather and exotically colored python leather). The bag also has a vintage look that’s easy to imagine wearing for many years to come regardless of the trends at the time.
The Gucci Lady Web handbag also comes with 2 different shoulder straps to instantly change the look and feel of it. For a casual look, go with the signature web nylon strap. For more formal, choose the leather shoulder strap. Both straps are adjustable and have a 20″ drop.
Lady Web Bags
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